
Yesterday Lexi got up and got ready for work like usual. As she grabbed her keys to leave at about 8:25am, she remembered Mike, one of the lead designers from the department where she ultimately wants to be a lead in, at his dinner party talk about how design professionals should be more concerned about the environment and participate in activities that preserve it. Now, Lexi is pretty ambivalent about the whole environmental issue, but she figured it would not hurt to impress Mike with her contributions to preservation.

Lexi knew work was close, but wasn't sure how close - driving makes everything seem so close - so she thought she should find out before she walked a long way in her new Prada boots. Going online, she went to the website Mike had recently discovered and was raving about and entered her address and that of the office. She found out that there were various routes and public transit options, but that the shortest combination was actually walking round the back of her building, through a park that opened up on the northeast side and was kitty corner to the Starbucks she frequented. She also noticed that although it look bad outside, it was only 57F according to the weather report on the site, which was bearable she thought. However, she decided to use her Nike + Ipod sport kit and carry her Prada boots in her Prada messenger bag.

She stopped at Starbucks to grab a grande soy latte before stepping into the office at 8:52 am - 4 minutes earlier than normal. She worked hard for three and a half hours, then joined her boss and some co-workers for lunch. Typically, Lexi would drive one of the two cars in the caravan to lunch, but today she rode with her boss for the ride over. After some Indian cuisine and a Kingfisher, they headed back to the office. The rest of the day went by, and at 5:45 pm she headed out the door. She was half way to the garage where she normally parks her car when she realized that she had walked to work. This slightly annoyed her and she headed back into the building where she changed shoes again. On her way out a second time she ran into Maggie, Mike's second in command, who was heading to the bus stop next to the park. They walked together and shared a few laughs about events from the previous night dinner party and Maggie invited Lexi to join her and a couple of her friends later at a local art gallery opening. Maggie offered Lexi a seat in the taxi she and her friends were going to use, but Lexi declined since she wanted the chance to get home to finish off some work before going out. Lexi went home to change, then drove back out to meet Maggie.
